Week 9: Scores

I have never felt so anxious in Contact Improv  before as I did today. I think it was one of those days when anything just does not feel right and it is difficult to find contact points with other person,. Although, this time, I barely could find connection even with myself… Of course, I was trying to question myself why? who has effected me that much? why did in technique class I was quite fine and now I do not know what is going on with my?, however nothing came up, apart that it might be the effect of the  full moon. Anyways, I did find something interesting… First of all, I was comparing my experience from the Saturdays workshop and today’s class. In the actual workshop I felt much more confident than I usually do in a class. Also, there  I had an opportunity to contact with people I have never contacted before, and surprisingly ,it did not feel awkward at all (which I thought would be). So, after that Saturday’s trip, I felt so inspired and positive about me dancing in the space because I  really  thought  it helped me to find and improve my own ways of moving, but I guess I was wrong. Of course, I should not be that negative about myself, but I just could not understand why I cannot free myself while dancing in the class. Usually I feel so limited and fruitless, sometimes even scared to contact with others or move by my own. Here, I was thinking whether the room might be an issue, because when I am in the studio 3, I  am always thinking that I am assessed, marked, judged, etc. Saying that, I am sure this is not true, but now I am more stressed and cautious, which would definitely not help to show ‘my best’…  Continue reading “Week 9: Scores”

Wk 4: Sharing Gravity & (out of) Balance Off the Floor, Awareness, Disorientation and Letting go

When I was reading the article ‘Is Contact a Small dance?’ by Byron Brown, I was hoping that finally this is the text which is going to answer my questions I have got about CI. However, when the author mentioned him still having more questions than the answers, my hopes to find some answers about CI begun to fade out again. On the other hand, I have realized why does the CI attract so many dancers: perhaps, you just really want to acquire knowledge of this ‘small dance’…  Continue reading “Wk 4: Sharing Gravity & (out of) Balance Off the Floor, Awareness, Disorientation and Letting go”

Week 6: Connections


This time, I was still thinking about the reading from week 5. I was looking what we are doing during the impro class and impro jam and wondering: so can we call it choreography? Basically, I was imagining myself as an spectator who comes to see an improvisation performance or in other words- live art. Through our works in the studio, I believed, that yes, we can still call improvisation choreography, but then, when I tried to make connection and find relationships between some performers on the stage and I got lots… Firstly, you are never sure if somebody will react to your responses. Secondly, what if your response will be such an weak and trite, that after one movement phrase, you will feel useless on the stage? I was wondering if the audience could see those “awkward” moments and if yes, would they be happy in the end of the dance? I’m sure that professional improvisers spends loads of time practising in case to find  connections and relationships… Continue reading “Week 6: Connections”